
Hello. My name is Wedge. I’m the Boss; El Jeffe; Head Honcho; The Wedginator – and also #SewingRoomHelper on Instagram. Now that we’ve got that straight, let me tell just how freakin’ hard I work around here!

Primarily, I have to work non-stop to keep this woman on task. I swear, she takes every opportunity to run off and do something else. Leave the laundry alone! Work here! here. here. here. HERE. Goooood.

I’m also the style assistant. Here I’m helping with the style line tape. This stuff knots so fast. I can’t imagine what she does to this to get it to do that. Sheesh.

Dravon also has a tendency to lose things, or put them in strange places. To ensure anything at all gets done around this place, I’m forever having to find where she’s put things.

When the embroidery machine is in operation, I supervise that. To make sure it always works right. When it starts to snag up, I watch it even closer. She’ll find out eventually.

There’s another assistant here, Shelby. She doesn’t work anywhere near as hard I do though. But she does work well on the computer, which is a plus.

Now, back to me. Aren’t I gorgeous?! Because I’m so beautiful, I have innate great taste and supervise the design layout process to ensure the work is quality.

By now, it’s lunchtime. I’m pooped!

But even on break, I am good enough to accomplish solid work. I’m warming up this chair for some serious sewing time. Thoughtful, aren’t I?

Now. Back to work! *cracks whip* I gotta make sure those basting pins stay in place. I have to test each and every one. For this job, I get to wear a hat which says “quality assurance”. Any pin not secure enough, gets thrown on the floor.

But it’s not all work. Well, it is, but some jobs are just fun. Here I am helpfully unpacking some stuff that was ordered. I make sure that nothing is left behind in the box.

Like with the basting safety pins, I have to make sure that placement pins are also secure. If they aren’t, I run off with them and hide them in a corner. I won’t tell her which corner. She has to go and get more pins. I will do this until she has learned to pin better!

Lastly, once a project is all done, there is still no rest for the weary. I must now test all completed items for acceptability. This one is … adequate. See, my back paw is not sufficiently cushioned by the placemat. This could have been bigger! Because I am bigger.

Finally, the day is over. After many a long hour of being so generous with my attention and skills, of whip cracking and creative problem solving, finally, it is now time to call an end to the day.

Good night.

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