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Applique Santa and Reindeer Candlemat
It’s apprantly time for me to learn all the nuances of applique because it keeps coming up everytime I turn around. While this particular project may look like the latest, technically it was the first. I signed up for the EGA SoCal chapter’s workshop on candlemat back in June, but the event was held at the end of the September. In the meantime, I’d taken the class on needle-turn applique, done the 2 experimental block-party applique things, and then watched a mind blowing demo on the Baltimore applique techniques using freezer paper while at the Long Beach Quilt Show.
So now this particular version uses wool, so there’s no potential raveling edges to even worry about. Huzzah. Made it very easy and very non-demanding. Here is the finished thing complete with candle.

The chapter workshop was from 10 until 2. I have to say that the instructor who selected this project and then created the kits for us to work on did a PHENOMINAL job. The kits she made for us to use are now my Gold Standard when it comes to kit making!! She included multiple sized needles for different likes, different pins in case the wonder-under didn’t work, etc etc. Really awesome job there.
Anyway, in the 4 hours that we were assembled I managed to get my kit completely cut out and all of the applique pieces fully stitched into place. That left only the embroidery (eyes, legs, reins, etc) as well as the beads and then the bottom, to do at home. I was the only one who got this far and folks were saying I must have an electric needle. heh. I kinda liked that.

The main deal is that I’m not the most consistent stitcher. This is perhaps the second project of my entire life that I really started think about it. My blanket and whip stitches are not identical in size or spacing. They kind of ramble a bit, but stay within reason of each other. I’ve also discovered I don’t particularly care enough about some projects to make this a priority, even though every project is a learning opportunity to practice this sizing skill on. I tried rather reasonably hard on the padded applique for the block of the month, where the blanket stitch was being made obvious and called out. I did ok, but not stellar. To someone with a good eye like KimikoSews, who is an AMAZING embroiderer, this comparitive sloppy look could detract from the piece. Fortunately, this particular piece is rather whimisical, so I wasn’t really worried about. I rather liked the way that the white wool fuzzed up a bit when the whip stitches were put into place. Made it look like a real beard or puff on the hat. Cute!

Anyway, so here’s my lounging-in-his-sled on the way home from a long night of gift giving Santa and reindeer wool appliqued candlemat. Not very challenging, but cute and it was another niggling reminder that I need to clean up my stitches if I want to be a real life embroiderer one day. *lol*