Jun 3, 2018

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Pattern Reading 101

Pattern Reading 101

Do those patterns look like Greek to you? Join Dravon for this lecture class as she takes you further into the world of garment sewing by teaching you how to decipher and use all the information found on a typical garment pattern. We’ll even go over how to get those patterns to refold back into their package! If you want to make your own patterns or know how to modify one to fit you a bit better, we’ll even talk about that a bit.


What kind of machines work best? No machines at all. This is a lecture class aimed at those who want to get into sewing their own clothes.

What to bring? Something to take notes with and a curiosity to learn more.

Where? Contact Dravon to schedule either a private lesson or see about having Dravon teach at your location. This can even be a private party event!

Cost? Cost depends on venue.

Class limit? Because this is a beginner class, it’s anticipated that a lot of instructor attention will be required. The absolute maximum size is 6 people.

To Register: Contact Dravon to schedule either a private lesson or see about having Dravon teach at your location.

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