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Pattern: Theatrical Horse Saddle Blanket Drape

• Designed for use with almost all modern tack. It was tested against Western, English, Aussie Stock and even McClellan and Portuguese bull fighting saddles all without any modification to the girth opening placement!
• The length of this drape was chosen for use by horses between the average sizes of a Arabian and Belgian. Even so it can be shortened or lengthened if so desired.
• Features facings to ensure maximum beauty and hang even in challenging conditions! This construction choice also helps to minimize flapping that could spook some horses.
• The girth welt opening is a strong, reinforced opening that can handle years of heavy wear yet following the directions is flat and smooth to ensure comfort and safety while being worn even for long periods.
About the Sample: The stitched out sample shown in these pictures and on the cover of the pattern is made of a burgundy brocade cotton for the main and facing materials, and it is lined in red cotton. The entire thing is trimmed with a green beaded tassel.