May 18, 2014

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Machine Woes

Last December, my HV Diamond Deluxe did what could be dubbed “threw a belt”. In cars, this means when you hit the gas nothing much happens but the engine does rev. The same thing happens with a sewing machine – hit the gas, the engine spins but the needle doesn’t go anywhere. The “drive belt” that connects the motor to the needle arm slipped out of place.

Took it in for repair then and it’s worked fine since then. This past weekend, it did the same thing again. GRRRR! Since I was on a deadline, I suddenly realized that one machine wasn’t actually enough. We had just gotten in this sweet Pfaff Creative Vision in as a trade-in, and I snagged it! *all happy* I’ve been eying Pfaff for over a year, completely drooling over the dual feed and the stitch creator features. So looking forward to putting them to the test!!!

I’ve been embroidering like a mad woman all week, with both machines churning away almost solidly this weekend with plans to keep them busy for many more weeks in the future. Guess what happens?

No, not the Diamond. The Vision!! The Vision threw a belt today. WTF??! I must be doing something. Two out of two machines are throwing belts and the repair guy asks me how I did it to the first machine because he doesn’t see it all that often. Ugh! Very frustrated and rather confused. All I do is use them. Nothing particularly hard either. It’s not like I’m embroidering on horse leather or anything. Just plain weave cotton. That’s it. Granted, for 12 hour stretches and maybe I left the Vision on all night… But really. Is that unreasonable use? I don’t think so. Maybe it’s because my sewing studio is in the garage and has no temperature control?? No idea, I’m grasping at straws.

Anyone have issues like this with their embroidery machines?

Until we meet again, Happy Sewing!

– Dravon

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