Jun 3, 2018

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Introduction to Machine Free Motion Quilting

Introduction to Machine Free Motion Quilting

You’ve done all the piecing and made a quilt sandwich, but is there more than just stitching in the ditch? You betcha! This 3 hour hands-on class goes through the basics such as tools, materials, thread choices and machine tension, but it focuses on building the techniques needed to create beautiful free motion quilting. You’ll learn ways to move the material, how to follow a line, some of the different types of free motion quilting, and we’ll also discuss quilting strategies, filler or batting choices, and quilting design options. Bring your questions!

This will be a hands-on class, and the materials provided include a variety of pre-made mini-quilt-sandwiches to practice on, including those with different fillers.


What kind of machines work best? This class is an all-brand class and uses the sewing functionality of machines. No matter how fancy or basic your machine is, as long as it sews smoothly all are welcome! And yes, even basic mechanicals are capable of free-motion stitching. Come on down!

What to bring? Your machine along with the power cord, foot control, all accessories that came with it, and your sewing basket with useful items (pins, scissors, spare needles, etc). Please make sure the machine is in good working order.

Where? Contact Dravon to schedule either a private lesson or see about having Dravon teach at your location. This can even be a private party event!

Cost? Cost depends on venue.

Class limit? Because this is a beginner class, it’s anticipated that a lot of instructor attention will be required. The absolute maximum size is 6 people.

To Register: Contact Dravon to schedule either a private lesson or see about having Dravon teach at your location.

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