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Learn Your Serger – Machine Mastery Class

Is your serger just sitting there doing nothing but collecting dust? Well it’s time to take that useful machine out of the closet, brush it off and take it to class! Among other things, this class will teach you how to thread that machine properly! The bulk of the class will focus on threading and rethreading and rethreading in order get you comfortable with it. While we do that, I’ll talk about the various anatomy pieces so that when you read the book, those bizarre sounding terms are now connected with something that you’ve seen, touched and watched in action. This helps de-mystify that jargon, empowering you to practice at home with confidence! We’ll also practice some basic serging techniques such straight lines, following inside or outside curves, and turning inside and outside corners.
This class is sort of a mini-mastery class designed to give you the basics. If you have a serger with the jet-air threading, this may not be the best class for you since your machines are so easy to thread. But you have a machine which is manually threaded, this is definitely the class for you! Once you’ve taken this class, you can join in on any other serger classes because you’ll have the hardest part down pat!
Here’s a run-down of the what this class covers, though if everyone spends the entire time mastering threading then so be it. Every class is a bit fluid and depends entirely on the machines and their operators. How much we actually fully get to is not guaranteed.
- Threading
- Diagnosing & resolving problems (missthread versus tension problem versus mechanical issue)
- How to use decorative threads
- Serging around curves – inner and outer curves
- Serging around corners – inner and outer corners
- Serging on Knits and Wovens
- Gathering and Stretching
What kind of machines work best? This class is an all-brand class, but it does assume that the sergers are all manual threading. Those with jet-air threaded machines would probably not the get most for their money from this class.
What to bring? Your machine along with the power cord, foot control, all accessories that came with it, and 1 cone of each color thread: red, blue, green & yellow. Please make sure the machine is in good working order.
Where? See the Calendar for scheduled times, or contact Dravon to schedule either a private lesson or see about having Dravon teach at your location. This can even be a private party event!
Cost? Cost depends on venue.
Class limit? Because manually threaded sergers can be a bit challenging, the absolute maximum size is 6 people.
To Register: See the Calendar for scheduled times, or contact Dravon to schedule either a private lesson or see about having Dravon teach at your location.