Feb 12, 2015

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Easy Emulated Pleats

Easy Emulated Pleats

For those who like making Renaissance clothing, specifically 16th century clothing, there is a distinctive “look” on shirts that characterizes much of the earlier half of century. That look is the pleated shirt or smock. The pattern for this shirt is available here if you’re interested.


During the years I was making lots of these shirts, I developed what I eventually dubbed my 5-Step Method for Easy Emulated Pleats. It’s quick, easy, simple and effective. I now use it quite extensively for all of my historical stuff, and I can even document the end result.

Since this blog doesn’t Feature products, I decided to do a post which points you to the FREE PDF downloaded tutorial which takes you through the process and even has several pages of educational materials for those interested. It’s got lots of pictures not only of the process but also of my reference portraits, pointing out what I see when I examine primary sources like period art.

I’ve been a pleat kick recently. The last PDF pattern added here was a pleated purse which includes all the different types of pleats and how to make them. This reminded me that I had done this tutorial on the emulated pleats but it didn’t get reposted after I transitioned my website to this blog format. So here it is. Enjoy!

Until next time, Happy Sewing!

– Dravon

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