Mar 21, 2014

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Decorative Stitches: Playing with Waves

Decorative Stitches: Playing with Waves

Didn’t have a whole lot of time today, but I did sit down at my machine and put into thread some of the ideas I had for that wave stitch which was in yesterday’s picture. The first thing I tried was a simple stitch-mirror_stitch where I left everything at default and started at the same place. Turned out pretty cool!

Huh. That makes a pretty good frame. I wonder what something would like if I picked a motif or two from other decorative stitches and put them into the open spaces there. Let’s try it!

*cackles with glee* Yes, I really do cackle. I’m sorry to have to admit that, but it’s true. Anyway, this result was quite delightful. I could very easily make this a horizontal or even diagonal thing by rotating the central images to the direction I wanted them. Pretty cool! I wonder how this would look with a double needle!

Ooo. I like the double needle look, but because the width had to be adjusted downward due to the 3.0mm wide needles, the resulting openings weren’t quite as dramatic. I didn’t like that look quite as much, but decided to give it a try with them side by side, so I stitched out the second set without the mirroring activated to get the rows to stack. Now that’s pretty cool… I did shorten this last one because I wanted to know if that would help fill in the stitches. They’re looking a little gappy, but this particular stitch doesn’t have a density setting that I could adjust to make it fill in more like a satin stitch.

But that’s not bad for my first day of playing with just one stitch to see what I might be able to do with it, or where this might be really fitting. Makes me excited to see what other nifty things I can assemble.

Until we meet again, Happy Sewing!

– Dravon

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