Nov 7, 2009

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Draping II class project #3 of 4

As you should by now have figured out, I’m keeping the same basic idea for these 4 total projects with each one being a refinement of the problem areas of the previous one. Here were the areas identified in version 2 that needed correcting: side seam where bra-top/back/overlayer meet; belt line; front kickplates on overlayer. I also didn’t want to do another do another “little black dress”, so I went to the other end of the spectrum and did a white satin base with a sheer white overlayer featuring pearlescent polka dots — add a bit of whimsy to it. I also figured a silver-on-white belt wasn’t punchy enough, so I switched to a gold-on-white motif. I liked it.


My cheapy flimsy dressmaker’s dummy is crooked, so that leaning or uneven look is due to the dummy and not the dress. Sorry.


I like the silouhette of this version much better. That belt all the way around REALLY added to this overall presentation. One of the major problems that I have with the empire (high underbust) waist is that it tends to make the wearer look pregnant or fat, but it also does a wonderful job of making the wearing appear younger. I wanted to eliminate the first problem and keep the second look, and this design I think really does that. The models who wore them for the fashion show looked fresh and young, svelt and NOT pregnant with these dresses. I was very very happy about that!


Wouldn’t you know that the moment I finished up this version of the dress, I walk into the mall and pass MY DESIGN (idea) in store front after store front: sheer overlayer, short dress, empire waist, fitted underlayer. It was freaky! At least I have confirmation that professional designers came to the same conclusions that I did!!! That’s a big win in my book. hehehe

Ok. Problem areas. The damn zipper!!! *stomps around in a circle with clenched fists* I HATE ZIPPERS! Ok. I feel better now. Alas, my temper tantrums do little to fix this zipper fubar, in which one side is too high on the top and other side is too low on the bottom, making for a funky bubble on the low back and cheap looking top line. *hangs head*


But the sides came together SOOOOO much more nicely!!! If I had ironed these seams differently, they would line up beautifully. *pats self on the back* Sign of a good pattern. heh. That said, this design REALLY shows up my poor iron-foo and you see the belt wobble around like a drunk hooker. Very sad. And this then is the thing to fix in the final project!


My attempt at this hem was marginally better, at least she didn’t make me redo it. I’m still not happy with it. The spiny edges stick out, from both the hem and the french seam on the sides. Not thrilled with that, but if I ever work with this sort of sheer material I’ll know it’s a problem and recommend make damn sure that all cut edges (when you cut out the pattern) are straight and even. You cannot haphazardly cut this sheer crap and have it look good in the end! Not having the kickplates on the front made this MUUUUCH better, and I liked the bottom hem line better overall; especially since there IS that small extra length as designed rather having to cut it off to redo the hem. heh


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