Sep 30, 2014

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Machine Mastery Basics – Hands-On Class

Machine Mastery Basics – Hands-On Class

Sewing Begins With The Machine

The foundation for learning how to sew (no matter what type of sewing you are interested in) is understanding how to use your sewing machine! Whether you’re returning to sewing after some time away or you’re brand new  and eager to start, or even if you think you could use a refresher, I heartily recommend this limited attendance class on how to use your sewing machine. It’s 3 hours of instruction and hands-on practice. You walk away with a loop-closure bag that puts into practice some of the many things you’ll learn in this class.

What do we cover?
* How to Thread Your Machine
* How to Wind a Bobbin
* What are all the Accessories that came with the Machine
* How the Accessories are Used
* Outline of Basic Sewing Notions Every Sewist Needs
* Basic Utility Stitches and How/When to Use Which One
* Troubleshooting so You Spend More Time Having Fun!
* Make-And-Take Bag Featuring: Blind Hem, Overcast Edges, Straight Seam & Buttonholes

I’ve had people take this class who have been sewing for decades and hear “Wow! It’s only been 5 minutes and already I’ve learned something new!” By far my favorite was one lady’s exclamation that “You made me fall in love with my machine!”

Don’t have your own machine? I can work with that, but I definitely encourage folks to either use their own machine or purchase one. Want to buy one? I can help with that! Please, if you are in the market for a machine, contact me. Please! I will make sure you get the RIGHT machine for YOU which takes into account what you expect from a machine and what you plan to do right now as well as what you’d like to do in the future.

Whether new or old, purchased or inherited, by using your own machine, everything learned in class can be done at home! My entire goal is get you comfortable with your machine in order to empower you with the confidence you’ll need to tackle those creative projects you want to do.

I’m offering this as an open attendance group class, but if you have a private group you’d like to introduce to sewing (Girl Scouts, Camp Fire Girls, 4H, friends, etc) this can definitely be arranged. Contact me to learn more.

What kind of machines work best? This class is an all-brand class, but it does assume the machines are pretty traditional.  Whether new or old, the machine needs only to be in good working order. While I have seen a whole heck of a lot of variety, you may have one that I do not recognize. So far, though, even if I don’t recognize I know how it works!

What to bring? Your machine along with the power cord, foot control, all accessories that came with it (such as bobbins), and some thread to sew with. Please make sure the machine is in good working order.  Some locations do have repair technicians, but not all, and rarely is same-hour-service available.

Go to the Calendar and see if this class is in the list of upcoming offerings. The following information is all found within individual listing.


How Much?

Class limit?

Sign Me Up!


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